Paparazzi Performed by Greyson Chance
Greyson Chance has become an internet sensation after performing Lady Gaga's Paparazzi at a school talent show.
Watch him sing a version of "Paparazzi" in this video.
Video: Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi
Paparazzi Lyrics
We're c-c0ming 0ut
G0t my flash 0n it's true
Need that picture 0f y0u
It's s0 magical
We'd be s0 fantastical
Leather and jeans
Y0ur garage glam0r0us
N0t sure what it means
But this ph0t0 0f us
It d0n't have a price
L0ving y0u is cherry pie
'Cause y0u kn0w that baby I
I'm y0ur biggest fan
I'll f0ll0w y0u until y0u l0ve me
Baby there's n0 0ther superstar
Y0u kn0w that I'll be
Pr0mise I'll be kind
But I w0n't st0p until that girl is mine
Baby y0u'll be fam0us
Chase y0u d0wn until y0u l0ve me
I'll be g00d
Backstage at y0ur sh0w
Velvet r0pes and guitars
because y0ur my r0ck star
in between the sets
Eyeliner and Cigarettes
Shad0w is burnt
Why y0u dancin' with him
My lashes are dry
Purple teardr0ps I cry
It d0n't have a price
L0ving y0u is cherry pie
'Cause y0u kn0w that baby I